What is the function of adding polyacrylamide in cement?

What is the function of adding polyacrylamide in cement?


Polyacrylamide is widely used in industrial supply and plays a very important role in the field of water treatment. In the construction industry, besides being used in construction adhesives and putty powder, it can also be applied in cement. So, what is its function in cement? Let's analyze it for you below by Runbang Environmental Protection:

Polyacrylamide is mainly added to cement slurry as a supplementary performance for mud. When polyacrylamide is added to cement slurry, it undergoes cross-linking with the high-valence cations in cement particles, transforming the linear structure into a bulk structure, thereby increasing the strength and toughness of the original cement. The dispersed polyacrylamide in the cement particles absorbs water and then hydrates, and the long-chain structured filamentous film is distributed in the cementitious body, creating a highly polymerized network structure that is longitudinally and transversely tightened and bonded. This process supplements and enhances the strength and viscosity of the cement slurry through flocculation.

From the above, we can see that the main function of polyacrylamide in cement is flocculation, which increases the strength and bonding capacity of cement products. The amount of polyacrylamide added in cement is larger than in wastewater treatment, and it may vary based on individual circumstances. If you encounter any problems, please contact the technical department of Runbang Environmental Protection for assistance!

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